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2020 Award Winners

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Dr. Primrose Cameron
2020 Cecil Paul & Maria Jones Community Hero Award Winner


The Cecil Paul and Maria Jones Community Hero award was created in recognition of Paul and Maria Jones. The Jones’ have dedicated decades of volunteer hours meeting our community’s needs and have been steadfast supporters of HND. The recipient of the Cecil Paul and Maria Jones Community Hero award must have demonstrated, over a significant period of time, dedication to the promotion of nurturing and empowering families in our community, combined with a strong sense of civic duty.


This year’s recipient is a motivational speaker, empowerment coach and author, who truly believes in assisting men and women towards the path of personal fulfillment. She has been an educator, counselor, and mentor for over 20 years. She is the founder of the Sisters Build Network, CEO/founder of Sisters Build Network for Girls, Inc. (SBN4G) and the founder of the Calling a Few Good Men Conference. Her volunteerism in our community dates back over twenty years. She spends countless hours providing services to children in grades 3rd-12th and their families. Her focus is on mentoring young girls 11-14 and 15-19 towards leadership and personal development. This identifies with the importance of helping young ladies develop their leadership capabilities, promoting positive images of women and imparting a goal for academic excellence. As the founder of Sister Build Network, our recipient has provided mentorship to women of all ages in the United States and abroad. Please join us in congratulating our 2019/2020 Cecil Paul and Maria Jones Community Hero award winner, Dr. Primrose Cameron.

Primrose Cameron
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Barbara Gomez
2020 Gail Hallmon Champion of Families Award Winner


The Gail Hallmon Champion of Families Award was created in recognition of Gail Hallmon, who has dedicated decades of volunteer hours championing families in our community. Gail treats her volunteer work with as much importance and deserving the same level of commitment as her professional work. She spent many years championing families through her volunteer work with Parent Craft, as a Girl Scout Leader, taking PTA leadership positions, mission trip work with First Presbyterian Church, IDignity and countless other community events.


To be eligible for this award, the recipient must have demonstrated over a significant period of time, dedication to the promotion of nurturing and empowering families in our community, combined with community service geared toward families.


Our recipient this year championed families in her previous roles at HND, in our community and throughout the world. For more than 30 years she has served families all over the world meeting community need. Wherever they might be living around the world, she and her husband always provided an extra plate at the table for anyone that might need it. One of her most well-known missions is her work teaching English to Spanish speakers. Please join us in congratulating our 2019/2020 Gail Hallmon Champion of Families Award winner, Barbara Gomez.

Barbara Gomez

Zonovia Proctor
2020 George & Mary Hood Intern of the Year Award Winner


The Dr. George and Mary Hood Intern of the year award was created in honor of the late Mary and Dr. Hood for their creation of the Stetson and HND intern program.  At the heart of Dr. and Mrs. Hood’s work was also the client’s wellbeing and the sanctity of the family unit.


This year, we present our Dr. George and Mary Hood Intern of the Year Award to an intern that excelled at promoting client wellbeing and academic excellence. She assisted HND in promoting inclusivity and never hesitated to offer assistance to both staff and other interns.  Please join us in congratulating our 2019/2020 Dr. George and May Hood Intern of the Year, Zonovia Proctor. 

Zonovia Proctor

Tavaughn Thomas
2020 Ann Grell Employee of the Year Award Winner


The Ann Grell Employee of the year award was created in recognition of HND’s first Executive Director and her work ethic of always going above and beyond to serve our community.


To be eligible for this award the recipient must have not only been an outstanding employee, but also excelled in all areas of their job. During a year that we can certainly describe as challenging, this employee has been identified by their co-workers, supervisors and management team as time after time going above and beyond the call of duty.


From their first day of hire, this employee has continued to succeed, learn new skills and make improvements in their area. The team spirit that this employee displays is inspiring. The benefits of the winner joining the Leadership Team was noticed during the first meeting. This employee easily stands out, not just for his extreme height, but because he goes above and beyond every day. Please join us in congratulating our 2019/2020 Ann Grell Employee of the Year award winner, Tavaughn Thomas.

Tavaughn Thomas

The State of Florida Department of Children and Families and LSF Health Systems, LLC

© 2021 The House Next Door.

The House Next Door is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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