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2023 Award Winners

Lucia Russo McPherson
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Mary Kamine
2023 Cynthia Blomquist Quality Client Care Award Winner


Cynthia Blomquist was the very first employee hired by The House Next Door. The history of our agency was positively shaped by her dedication, out of the box thinking and exceptional work ethic. As the first employee she embraced the notion of supporting the family unit and believed in the power of the family structure. At the heart of work was her passion to always provide the highest quality of care to our clients. This passion continues to be present in her work today in the insurance field. Cynthia provided quality client care, before standards of care existed. Her passion laid the groundwork for what we today refer to as HND standard of care.
The Cynthia Blomquist Quality Client Care award was created to recognize and celebrate a staff member who has gone above and beyond to provide high quality care to our clients. The recipient of the Cynthia Blomquist Quality Client Care award must have demonstrated throughout the past year, dedication to providing high quality care, embraced meeting the client where they are, and helped the client decrease risk factors while increasing protective factors, combined with providing HND level of high standard of care. This year’s recipient continuously meets and exceeds HND standard of high-quality client care with her students. This employee received perfect scores in two categories of her ELC observation and raised all of her VPK students’ assessment scores. When not showing the children how to milk a cow, this employee helped her four-year-old students learn how to be kind citizens and even to read. I was shocked when my favorite VPK student, Winter, daughter of LHND teacher Shelby, proudly read to me. While reading she looked up to her teacher for approval and encouragement. Her wide eyes and sweet dimples showed that this little girl was so very proud of herself. Winter and her classmates were challenged this year by a teacher that nurtured, empowered and encouraged them not only in their academics, but in their social and emotional health as well. Please join us in congratulating our 22/23 Cynthia Blomquist Quality Client Care award winner, Mary Kamine.

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Alfreda Turner 

2023 Ella Bryan HND Values Award Winner


Ella Bryan dedicated her life to strengthening and supporting families. Working through The House Next Door and her church, she made a difference for thousands of families through the years. With a loving heart she listened to children, parents and staff with compassion, never passing judgement. Ella had a gift for seeing your potential and making you believe in it too. She was a tireless mentor, always there with an encouraging word and giving strength with her faith in you. If Ella was awake, she was working to make a change in her community and to strengthen the individuals who lived within it. A humble woman, she was always willing to extend her hand not only to help, but in friendship. Her passion and belief in each person’s value led her to a leadership position in the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association (FADAA) on the State level. She believed with all her heart that we would find the answers and make the needed changes working together – families, professionals, communities.
The Ella Bryan HND Values Award was created to recognize and celebrate a staff member who demonstrates our values. The recipient of the Ella Bryan HND Values Award must have demonstrated the following values: Family is the foundation, advocated for change, made a difference, instilled hope, listened with compassion, inspired growth, empowered our community and showed strength in diversity. Our recipient this year exemplifies the qualities of the Ella Bryan award in many ways. This staff member ensures that her clients are empowered to learn and grow into the best versions of themselves. Whether she is leading their drum line, creating a Grandparents Day celebration or marching in a basketball championship celebration parade, this staff member makes a difference in the lives of her students. Please join us in congratulating our 22/23 Ella Bryan HND Values Award winner, Alfreda Turner.

Danesha Britt
Waleska Guadalupe
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Linette Reyes
2023 Ann Grell Employee of the Year Award Winner


The Ann Grell Employee of the Year award was created to recognize an employee that goes above and beyond in all aspects of their job. Ann Grell Co-Founder and First Executive Director of HND was a pioneer in advocating for families. With a shoestring budget, a clear vision and a heart for her community, Ann laid a strong foundation for HND. After many years of leading the agency, she went back to school to obtain her masters in mental health from UCF and worked in our therapy department as a therapist and later as a Supervisor. In every role that she has held, Ann is an inspirational force that lovingly encourages each of us to go above and beyond to better ourselves, our agency, and our community.  

Our employee of the year for 2022/2023goes above and beyond to serve our community, encourage her teammates, and support all HND initiatives. This year’s recipient has an infectious laugh, kind spirit and genuinely enjoys her work and her coworkers. Anytime a need arises, she is one of the very first to ask how she can help. Evenings, weekends, or whenever a need might arise, she can be found setting up a HND booth at community fairs, swinging a golf club at Top Golf or jumping into a mascot costume at The Wild Game Feast. This year’s recipient is an inspirational force that we are blessed to have as a HND team member. Please join us in congratulating our 22/23 Ann Grell Employee of the Year, Linette Reyes

The State of Florida Department of Children and Families and LSF Health Systems, LLC

© 2021 The House Next Door.

The House Next Door is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

The State of Florida Department of Children and Families and LSF Health Systems, LLC

© 2021 The House Next Door.

The House Next Door is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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